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Old 07-09-2012, 10:12 PM   #1 (permalink)
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CarBEN EV5 Full Sized Prototype Construction - 5 Seat Electric Car From Scratch

I've begun the construction process to build the first full sized prototype of my CarBEN EV5 electric car!

I bought 25 sheets of Dow XPS foam sheets today (a quarter of what will be needed in total), and began cutting the first one on my PhlatPrinter 3 CNC machine. All the drafting and major designing is done, and the 3D SketchUp model is "sliced" to eventually generate the g-code to cut the foam to form the core of the chassis.

All was going swimmingly, until the bit failed to lift up on the Z-axis far enough and then it plunged in too deep, causing the X-axis to drag and get skewed... I'm going to hopefully troubleshoot it with the help of the folks on the PhlatBoyz forum.

I video recorded the "event" and I'm uploaded it now to YouTube -- I'll link to it when it is ready. So, it is started but still not "flowing along" yet.

Sincerely, Neil
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aerohead (10-13-2012), Christ (10-23-2012), pgfpro (07-04-2014)