Originally Posted by dcb
Also, need more evidence that we need extra stuff to protect a $3.00 chip You are NOT going to like my extremely bare bones schematic
I've also got a fuse on mine as well as a transient single direction surge suppressor (Although mine is ~20ish volt clamp because its what I had lying around). A fuse should have been on the original board. A cars electrical system has tons of inductive loads all over the place that are high current compared to our little board. Depending on how they are clamped when disabled, you could see all kinds of wild ringing.
It's not significantly more money to add the two. I saw a blown up 7805 on a product just last week although it was probably a chinese clone to begin with
. At least we have a diode on the input as a first stand against any negative swings .
Hopefully I'll wire mine into the car today. I think i may have the ugliest looking one this thread has seen yet