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Old 07-11-2012, 10:35 PM   #30 (permalink)
Just some guy
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Originally Posted by Old Mechanic View Post
Transonic Combustion | Ultra-high Efficiency Fuel Injection Systems

In the early 1970s when emission controls started to really kill power and performance, I always wondered why the engineers kept hanging crap on engines to make them run cleaner, instead of designing them to run clean without all the crap.

The supercritical direct injection seems to be the solution at this point in time. Maybe the finish line in the pursuit of homogenous ignition of the fuel air mix at exactly the same millisecond throughout the combustion chamber.

Assuming this is that scenario, then you need to make some other changes in the vehicle to allow for elimination of any idling whatsoever, as well as limiting engine operation to only the peak efficiency regardless of vehicle load. This calls for capacitive storage of short term energy surpluses, lower RPM high load operation, with a system that autmoatically compensates, without any loss in efficiency, for any aerodymanic improvements, or any other improvement that reduces average power requirements.

In 10 years we will see a vehicle with IC power that converts 60% of the energy content of the fuel into useful work.

So true! Lets add misc cr@p to scrub away the stuff we don't want, lower hp and efficiency in the process so even more fuel is burned :doh:
DI in a CR setup is the next wave/current for diesels. On the stored energy systems, Cummins was working w/ the military for a hybrid diesel back in 05ish IIRC but nothing came of it. Also there is another system that uses the transmission and when slowing a coupler engages and begins storing energy, kind of like a rubber band (simplest analogy I could come up w/) and when the vehicle accelerates again, it releases the stored energy. Inner city test buses saw something like a 20% increase in economy. Theres ideas out there, lets hope they are practical and doable. I know I can't afford 50K or more for some of these fancy vehicles. In 2000 a 7.3 PSD loaded was 25-29MSRP now its 55K. We paid 10k for our 1989 F150 4x4, NIB out the door! Imagine the cost 10 years from now.
08 F350 6.4 PSD IDP Tunes
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