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Old 07-12-2012, 10:00 PM   #28 (permalink)
Wanting more for less
D.O.G.'s Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: New South Wales, Australia
Posts: 313

Metric - '94 Honda Magna 250
90 day: 69.83 mpg (US)

RedCelica - '94 Toyota Celica ZR
90 day: 35.97 mpg (US)

i30 - '12 Hyundai i30 Elite
90 day: 39.84 mpg (US)

i30-22 - '12 Hyundai i30 Elite
90 day: 39.22 mpg (US)
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Thanked 73 Times in 45 Posts
Maybe this is a factor in why I've had such good numbers over the last month or so, despite winter weather.

A few kilometres of the stretch of motorway included in my daily commute is being re-surfaced at night.
The fresh surface is so smooth, road noise suddenly dies when you reach it.

I wonder how long the improved figures will last?
I can already hear the difference in sections that are a few weeks old, compared to those only a few days old.

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