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Old 06-05-2008, 10:24 AM   #8 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Western Wisconsin
Posts: 3,903

honda cb125 - '74 Honda CB 125 S1
90 day: 79.71 mpg (US)

green wedge - '81 Commuter Vehicles Inc. Commuti-Car

Blue VX - '93 Honda Civic VX
Thanks: 867
Thanked 434 Times in 354 Posts
Every car I have owned has gone up in value while I owned it, if I subtract gas from the cost of owning my current civic but include all the parts I've put in it I could sell it and come out ahead, same with every motorcycle I've owned, my crx, my electric car, even the Tomos scooter that I bought brand new are currently selling for more then I paid (discontinued model), but part of that is that some of us looked ahead and felt that a car should get good gas mileage no matter the price of gas so we bought them when the price was low, now is NOT the time to "invest" in a car that gets good mileage, 2-5 years ago was the time, in the last 4-5 years the value of electric cars like mine have gone up but nearly ten times, value of a metro has doubled or tripled, value of my civic has more then doubled in the 3 years and 50,000 miles I've owned it.

Originally Posted by spitfire9703 View Post
I don't think buying a car could ever be an investment as they lose value no matter what the market is. The shift to more fuel efficient cars will help them keep their value and allow people to increase their price as demand rises. But it is definitely a good thing. Hopefully car manufacturers will realize people want fuel efficient cars and start to seriously develop new cars that get great mileage.
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