I checked the contactor wire on J1 to see if it went to 12 volts (after sending a "pc-time=50" for a 5 second delay). It didn't, still zero volts. RTD Explorer is telling me the commands are going to the controller and verifies it when I save the configuration by telling me current configuration saved to EE. But when I do a config command, the values never change.
I have checked the +5 volts and the +12 volts at each IC and the voltages are present. Looking at the schematic, pin 13 of U3 (Atmega chip) goes through R23 and on to U9 pin 2. Pin 1 of U9 is tied to +5 volts. Taking a voltage measurement at pin 13 of U3 also has +5 volts on it, it never changes (does not go low after 5 seconds). This tells me that a low is not being sent to U9 in order to trigger Q1 which controls the contactor (J1 pin 3).
Either the commands are not reaching the Atmega or something else is wrong causing the problem. I can't change any of the settings. Any setting I change and save, sending the config command still shows the parameters unchanged. Could someone point me in the right direction as to what I should check next? I have verified that there are no solder bridges/shorts on the two ground planes (the little rings that Paul mentions in the instructions) with an ohm meter. I am also using the EVAL232R RS232 to USB converter board Adam told me about and the led's are showing Red for receiving data to RTD Explorer and Green for sending data to the controller from RTD Explorer.
What would be a logical troubleshooting method for the controller and/or RTD Explorer? I do not have the power board finished yet. Trying to check the control board before moving forward with the project. Any help would be appreciated.