Originally Posted by Hauki
Access would be via a hydraulic assisted opening at the rear.
Rather than lifting the entire rear cone, you could leave the sides in place (good place to have the lights too, as they'd stay in place when the trailer is opened up), drop the lower part as a ramp (always useful) , and only lift up the rear end of the roof (less weight to lift).
My main question is, I don't want to taper off completely, I want a sort of boat tail, how much will this impact? Reason being the more I can chop off the end, the bigger opening I can have, which is pretty important as it is a cargo trailer.
You can reduce the length, as the last part of the taper won't return that much of an improvement.
In this case, starting from a huge squarish rear end of a van, the improvement could be massive.
The image also shows you could use a blunt nose, as it doesn't add much extra drag, but a lot of internal volume.
Anyway, the nose won't be too important, as it'd hide behind the van.
OTOH, you need some taper up front to be able to turn with the trailer