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Old 07-16-2012, 03:11 AM   #133 (permalink)
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Automatic transmission again

From posting 130

Originally Posted by thingstodo View Post
This brings me back to the requirement for a manual gearbox. If the transmission supports the transfer case, then I need the transmission anyway. If it's going to be there taking up space and weighing so much, I guess it makes sense to have the electric motor couple to the transmission and use the selection of gearing that is provided.
I am having difficulty finding a manual transmission to purchase for SalvageS10. They are not easy to find, apparently. More delays ...

To get on with some testing during our short summer months, I am thinking of putting the automatic transmission back into SalvageS10, along with the gear selector jammed into neutral, and of course some new transmission oil. The heavy and mostly useless automatic transmission will support the transfer case properly and I can try my crazy electric motor-to-front differential yoke-to-transfer case idea.

I can't find a wrecker who wants to sell me just the small bracket and bolts to connect the drive shaft to the yoke, either. They want to sell the whole transfer case and drive shaft at once. And that is much more expensive .. of course ..

I may be improvising a bit for my initial testing. I'll see if I can get something to fit. It may be embarrassing ... but I'll make it as safe as I can. I've checked my brakes, without driving the hydraulic assist pump and the brakes are VERY stiff, but they DO work. Its just a bit more of a workout to get the truck to stop.

I still have not completed my PLC programming for the truck ... heck, it's barely been started. And I have a bunch of safety equipment to mount on the truck - slap switches, inertia switches ... none of which I am keen on mounting before I have a motor mechanically connected so that it can turn the wheels somehow. I seem to be good at mounting things, seemingly so OUT OF THE WAY, and yet I end up taking them out because they are somehow in the way for installing something else.

I seem to be going around in circles, from one task to another, not really getting anything done. Do you ever feel that way?
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