Spent the weekend with a bunch of manual Insight Hypermilers. It was both fun and scary at times to say the least, and opened my eyes to the world of hypermiling, EOC, FAS, driving slowwww (we even passed a turtle crossing sign on the mpg race) and racking up the numbers! Learned a lot. Highest mpg in 16 mile race without MIMA was around 96mpg, with MIMA someone got around 105mpg. My CVT got 72.6 in a bad run where i even passed the leading insight and a few unplanned stops. The winner took the wheel of my CVT and got 78.4mpg.
With what i learned i managed to improve my 42.6 mile commute. Got 79.6mpg to work personal best, and 63.6mpg back home which was worse than usual for a 71.6mpg average commute for the day.
With planned aeromods and driving style 75mpg average will require hard work, but i think it's realistically achievable.