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Old 07-17-2012, 05:59 AM   #11 (permalink)
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The SCUD - '15 Fiat Scudo L2
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Looks like I've missed this one.
Originally Posted by SubSonic View Post

I'm also having a little issue with a recently installed SGII into a Peugeot 206 1.6HDi. Currently moving towards my 3rd tank refill and calibrate, but the cars trip and odo reading are indicating a 80mpg reading while my SGII is reporting 59mpg. ( some hypermilling done to get 80mpg btw ).
What's your actual MPG when filling up ?

If you're actually getting 80mpg (which would be excellent !) it looks like you could use the 3/4 displacement rule

My gauge however does not show all of the sensors, with many blank. The one I'm am a liitle concerned about is the TPS ( blank ).
Diesels traditionally didn't have throttle
Though the recent ones with DPF etc. do have what is essentially a throttle valve.

Apparently, it's not reported on the HDi's in the way the SG expects a throttle.
TPS doesn't show on mine either.

I too have it set at 1.2L instead of 1.6L displacement.

PS :

If you have a DPF, it's possibly not reporting correctly during regenerations as the total fuel consumption apparently isn't reported in the signal on the OBD port where the SG expects the fuel use ...
On my car's OBC the fuel use goes up, instant and average, while on the SG it goes down during regeneration !

Strayed to the Dark Diesel Side

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