I stumbled upon the service manual for my generation civic and was pretty surprised to find that there isnt too big of a difference in the overall ratios between manual and power steering. Manual Steering systems had a 20.3 overall ratio and power steering had a 17.7 overall ratio. Manual steering had 4.1 turns lock to lock and power had 3.6 turns lock to lock.
That means if you convert the rack from power to manual (completely like NoD~ mentions). The steering will only be about 15% heavier.
After further reading in the manual I found something that might have misled some people across the internet. The power steering pump has an inlet and an outlet that are connected to the steering gearbox, which is around the point where the wheel connects to the rack. That gearbox then has two more connections which go to the piston. Depending on the amount the wheel is turned, there are openings in the gearbox which allow more or less pressure to go to the right or left side of the piston (hense power assisted steering).
My point with all of that is -- If you loop the two pipes going to and coming from the power steering pump, you will still have to overcome any forces in the steering gearbox related to the passageways that control the left/right movement of the piston.
I hope I haven't lost anyone, but basically, be sure you loop the lines coming from the left and right side of the piston, I intend to leave the piston full, but leave some air in the connecting line. I am going to drain the gearbox of power steering fluid and cap each of those holes. Note that this has nothing to do with the actual rack and pinion which will remain lubed with grease as they were before I even touched the power steering system.
I hope this helps someone! I hardly notice the difference after a few days driving and I havent modified it as above yet.
EDIT: I found a few tutorials on truly "Depowering" the power steering as NoD~ eluded to. Basically, you take everything apart, remove/grind the piston and seals, put it all back together and get an alignment. Seems like a lot of work to me for a minimal improvement
Last edited by penguin; 07-18-2012 at 04:52 PM..