Originally Posted by electricstorm
We tried to simulate current draw by wrapping several loops of wire through the LEM, connected to a 25 watt, 1K resistor and hooked this up to a DC power supply, but it didn't work. The most we could push was 7 amps (looping the wire multiplies the current somehow according the the industrial text book). 7 amps didn't even register in RTD Explorer.
The instructor asked what the minimum amperage the controller would detect, but I didn't know. Don't recall seeing that information in the posts here. Does anyone know what the minimum is?
Given that the controller is meant for 500-1000A, 7 amps is less than 1% of it's range. If you can get up to 100A you should definitely notice something - Try connecting a few (incandescent) light bulbs in parallel and driving those. That should give you a fair load. Or a large (the bigger the better) coil in a rubbermaid container of water would do too.