Saving money by installing electricity myself.
After 3 years of basically camping out at home. We decided to have rural electricity installed. We have power in our business and at a secondary residence but at home we have relied on minimal photo voltaic and Coleman generator. We heat with wood. We bought it from Amish who don't use grid power. I am in my 60's my wife is a bit younger.
At this point I have about 1200 dollars invested in components and have spent 2700 with the power company. We are going to get 60 dollars a month back from the power company until we get our 27oo back.
Yesterday and the day before we dug a deep trench about 60 feet long so that we could put our service wire out to where the pole is going to be set. That was a real shoulder breaker. We set our 4 gauge aluminum wire in conduit in the trench and was tortured at trying to get to turn two right angle turns and get it hooked up. I have installed 10 breakers and still have much of my 1000 feet of 12 gauge wire. My shop isn't wired yet, just have the load center installed.
Today I went out with a small 12 volt battery and tested my circuits, hardly a comprehensive evaluation but everything worked as planned.
We are still keeping our wood heat as primary but will supplement with resistance heating.
There is a photo of our home if you look at my vehicle log for "OD".
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” George Orwell
“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe.
The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed.”
– Noah Webster, 1787