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Old 07-21-2012, 10:34 PM   #5 (permalink)
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Fort Worth, Texas
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2004 CTD - '04 DODGE RAM 2500 SLT
Team Cummins
90 day: 19.36 mpg (US)
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Thanked 737 Times in 557 Posts
This is not so argumentative as it may sound; am looking for context:

I didn't read the .pdf, DD, but I'm suspicious where a personal vehicle is under load. I know that even in 1972 that the OEM's were oversizing air intakes/filters somewhat, but even todays sophisticated electronics are going to have a hard time keeping up with a dirty filter once loaded to capacity and/or towing. Add in an ascent when already at altitude and the filtering surface is being called upon at maximum.

Big trucks running dual VORTEX aircleaners (379 Pete's and W900 KW's), -- about as low restriction as one can get for volume -- still notice a point where filter restriction is significant (not unusual for an O/O to change filters based on restriction with a quality in-cab gauge).

For light load FE purposes, yeah, okay . . . but for a bit of real world, better sooner than later on changing. An oil analyst would tell us that the air filter always trumps the oil filter for importance (which really isn't capable of much work) as even a pencil point hole can trash a motor. A $17k longblock is not in my future.

The past couple of years I change the air & fuel filters annually along with a single oil change (not running many miles, so am well within the 7.5-15k OCI) as the local caliche dust is not to be trifled with.

Anyone who ever parks on unpaved surfaces (not just drives them) is better off with factory guidelines. I'd say that anyone whose engine fan even once kicks up some dust is better off with factory-only filtration (as the aftermarket is more than suspect in it's claims short of DONALDSON-sourced nanofiber pieces).

If you are looking to lower restriction without changing filtration as often in that Dodge, then have a look at the VOLANT piece. The OP does a nice job, and was kind enough to respond to my requests for data over time.

Frankly, I doubt it would make much difference past the revised 4" deep MOPAR piece available for the stock air box this past year (which has also been shown to be good past 400 RWHP). If I were looking to spend a lot to gain a little on the intake side then I might try this piece along with "known" better intake tubing and a TAG ahead of the turbocharger.

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