Not an expert, but with Frank, don't mess with what's working, Malibu with 247000 tranny doesn't call for ever changing tranny fluild unless extreme duty, I'm not going to mess with it. Oil I've gone 15,000+ between changes, no issues. I've taken 5 cars to 200,000 sold 3 other 2 are going till they die or in Stratus it sags in the middle to the ground cause of rust.
Listen to your car, track you MPG cause it tells you if something changing, and if you want 500,000 miles, drive alot. Age and infrequent use kills, drive them once a week or 2. Leave them outside for a month or 2 without moving is just asking for problems. Scangauge is a great tool to give more information than what the factory gauges do regardless of FE uses.
Only mess with brake fluid when I have to replace a caliper or wheel cylinder.