I've started designing how I want to connect the individual cells up. Keep in mind that I am planning ahead to use these on a hybrid or EV project so whatever I come up with must be scalable.
The cells are basically sandwiched together and wired in series. There are alternating aluminum and plastic spacers between the tabs. The whole string of cells is bolted together on each side with non-conductive (plastic) threaded rod. The aluminum spacers can be tapped for small screws, or drilled for a bananna type connector for BMS connections. In the case of my 12V, I won't need a BMS while using it as a starting battery. This setup keeps the weight down and utilizes all the surface are of the cell's tabs to keep resistance down and allow for high amperage draw.
I am still working on how I want to sandwich all the cells together, but I'll probably have some plates on each end to hold everything together. Some people tend to go overboard on this and I don't think its the most important thing unless you are really pushing the batteries.
I'll also have to add some sort of automotive type lug to the aluminum spacers on the end so I can connect it up to the car.