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Old 07-27-2012, 04:10 PM   #11 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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experimental - '90 honda crx hf
Boat tails and more mods
90 day: 67.81 mpg (US)
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Originally Posted by HydroJim View Post
Do you mind me asking how your got your coroplast to make such smooth curves? I've never worked with the stuff but I have some being shipped to me for my boat tail.

For painting the tail I would recommend Krylon Fusion based on what I've read and what others have told me.
well it was just kind of figuring it out as i built it, i attached the top the car, then bottom to the car, then those to the little rectangle at the tail. i diagonally cut the third 4x8 sheet into two equal opposite triangles attached those to the top sheet and worked and molded them down then attached them to the bottom piece.

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