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Old 07-28-2012, 12:46 PM   #9 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Knoxville TN
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Sorry, I never got around to doing any aero work on the CB250. I was doing base line testing watching mpg, cylinder head temps, etc. with the bike in mostly stock configuration. I did gear it up, added HID headlight, trailtech vapor, ran it in a saddle sore 1000. It has trouble going up hills in TN. I then purchased a 2007 BMW F650GS Dakar single cylinder. The Dakar is able to carry more gear, maintains speed better, more comfortable, etc. etc. etc. all while getting the same or better fuel economy. When the ambient temp gets over 100, the air off the motors on both bikes just about burn the insides of my legs even with the riding pants I wear. Lots of detail will be needed for both external aero and ducting of the engine cooling air.

Vetter has said it is all about truth in what will work. The truth is a motorcycle will not work for me. The conditions I have to ride in where I live, extreme heat, humidity, rain, hail, tails of hurricanes, dodging animals, being hit by people texting, being socially presentable when I get to work, a motorcycle will not work for me other than a recreational vehicle. For that reason I have stopped developing much on bikes.

If I could carry 4 people with 16 bags of groceries in the Vetter competition with My 98 Jetta TDi, at 48mpg I would win the competition with an equivalent 192mpg in air conditioned comfort. The car will fit 5 people and 20bags if folks are friendly in the back seat.
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