Originally Posted by Grant-53
The Honda PCX 125cc EFI scooter is rated at 110 mpg and costs $3400 with ABS as an option. A homemade fairing and some extra lights would be helpful. I would seriously consider making the Mustang a restoration project for a student auto body class at the local community college as funds are available. The car should be capable of 30 mpg and aero mods plus hypermilling could yield twice that. A bike motor and fairing may allow you to go 30 mph if legal. Calculate the value of your time and the cost of the bike at 200 mpg and 300 mpg with a good fairing system. Welcome to the mix. What's with Frank? Spring fever?
Am I reading this right, you believe this Mustang can be capable of 30 mpg? Before mods? 60 after?
I am going to have to check fuelly, but Mustang Dave and the White Pony work HARD to get there, and I have to really push it, and we are more efficient with less wear and tear.
My 95/6 Escort, three door, with 40k miles couldn't get 30 regularly, I must be misreading this somehow.
Originally Posted by Mustang Dave
Or a 2005+ V-6
Or a 2011+ V6. Almost 42 mpg on my way to work, yesterday. I wish my exhuast didn't sound SO good.