looks good . i also have a CAI exposed to frontal flow down on the chin fin , sure picks up a lot of bugs and road grime , im thinking about putting a low pressure drop prefilter there .
also intend to measure the overpressure encountered using a DIY manometer[U-Tube] .
theroretical overpressure at 55 MPH in freeair is one inch water , my initial measurement showed 2 inH20 at 55 MPH.
i intend to measure overpressure at the duct leading edge , in the pipe , before the engine air filter , after the engine air filter , and in the air box immediately before the carb velocity stack. , both with and w/o the prefilter. unless the pressure drop with the prefilter is outrageous i intend to run with it, i dont like all that road grime gumming up my k&N.
my first attempt used the corrugated alum. duct , the overpressures encountered blew that light weight pipe to bits .different stuff there now.
my inlet shown