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Old 07-31-2012, 09:19 AM   #124 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Michigan
Posts: 304

sr185 bullet - '81 Yamaha SR185 streamliner
Team Streamliner
90 day: 96.35 mpg (US)

Sunny Colarado - '06 Chevrolet Colarado WT
90 day: 24.18 mpg (US)

cbr250s - '12 Honda cbr250
90 day: 115.29 mpg (US)
Thanks: 27
Thanked 71 Times in 46 Posts
Thanks Jan.
I don't have a tach, so I can't track my rpm. I am running close to 30% taller gearing than stock though.
as for temperature Max temp on my head temp gauge was 366F, I ran in the low 300's for most of the run, remember this is head temp not total engine temp. I will be installing an oil temp gauge before next year's run.
just saw vic's post with the results also, looks like my official mpg is 108.5. which was good for fourth out of seven, although if you count commercially available powerplants I got second. I have lots of room for improvement, next step is a finished fairing, and fuel injection.
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