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Old 07-31-2012, 08:54 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by shovel View Post
Don't livestock still need to eat? Pig and cattle farms are currently set up to feed DDG to their animals, and by feeding them the byproduct of ethanol production (or is ethanol a byproduct of DDG production?) they greatly reduce the risk of some health problems in their livestock. Distillers' grains are cheap and easy to transport because of their consistency and reduced mass compared to their nutrition content.. if farmers had to transport and feed whole corn to their animals, it would cost more and the animals would be less healthy. What's that do to your food prices?
You might be able to use DDG for livestock feed in cases where you don't need the starch content of whole corn for their diet (I couldn't use it for my sheep since I only feed corn in the winter as a source of concentrated calories to help them keep warm in cold weather). But I've never heard it being promoted for use as human food and you can't use it to make corn flakes, corn meal, grits, tortillas, or other forms of corn for human consumption. Likewise DDG can't be used as a chemical feedstock for any uses that require the starch content of corn.
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