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Old 08-01-2012, 03:55 AM   #89 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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nobody can guarantee for 1 million of years

1. Using or not using nuclear energy is not an option for people who want to be responsible. That is alone because of the nuclear waste which is a high danger for future generatioins. I quote the german ministry of environment and nuclear safety which defines the conditions for a permanent storage of nuclear wastes in germany: "It must be shown that for 1 million of years there will be only very few toxic particles released..." (Atomenergie / Ver- und Entsorgung - Endlagerung - Sicherheitsanforderungen an die Endlagerung hochradioaktiver Abfälle) Nobody can guarantee for one million of years. Especially seen the short and desastreous history of germany's search for permanent storage: The first trial with an permanent storage at so called "ASSE" ended in a desaster: unexpected water broke into the storage rooms and since then they are removing the radiant waste for billions of euros (paid by our taxes). And that happened within 20 years of storage. Who will predict what will happen in one million of years? Whole mankind is not much older than one million of years.
2. Nuclear power is not economic. In the 50ies and 60ies it was a political decision for many countries to build up nuclear industry by massive subsidies because in this world leaders believe that one needs the option for nuclear weapons. Till today nuclear energy is subsided heavily. Most of the subsides are not given in cash but in shift of responsibility. For example the nuclear industry does not need to pay for constructions, not for waste storage (for one million of years) nor for the insurance of accidents. Worldwide there is no single nuclear plant that has an insurance for the worst case scenario. Like in Fukushima the community pays painfully for these accidents. More information about subsiding energy you might find here: Energy subsidies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3. Renewable energy can replace 100% of our electricity. Since more than 50 years we do have all the techniques it does need to produce electric energy 100% from renewable energies. There is nothing magic in it. All it needs is a political will. Technicaly we need to build up a decentralized energy system. This book shows a way to do that: Hermann Scheer - Energy Autonomy
The author is not a nobody but the father of the "EEG" the renewable energy sources act in germany, which was soon copied in many countries (for example china and india) and which did its part in starting a worldwide boom of solar panels and wind generators, which again lowered their prices considerably in the last 10 years.

Lets leave the wrong path and shift to 100% renewable energies. The money is there. The techniques are there. The energy is there.
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