Originally Posted by justing
I feel that our facility is very safe and I would have no fear living next to the plant.
Feelings are not enough. If you would have asked the workers of Tschernobyl, Fukushima and Three Mile Island you would have found enough of them who would have said the same. Safety is a very subjective thing. If you work on a daily base with something it soon feels safe. But the subjective feeling cant be enough if we are talking about worst case scenarios. And that is the reason why nobody gives an insurance for that worst case scenario. No insurance company in the world has beein so suicidal. Because they do not trust feelings but do calculate the relativ low risk against the unaffordable costs.
And even if we could guarantee that nuclear power plants would stop exploding in the future (as they did in the past). Can you guarantee for the next one million years that the nuclear waste will not leak into the environment and spoil the living conditions of the next 40.000 generations? Because that is the time frame for the toxicity of nuclear waste.
Since nobody ever can guarantee for the next one million of years and since we can not decide for the 40.000 generations which are not born yet we just can not go on with nuclear power.
And fortunately we dont need to. The alternative is there. 100% renewable energy is not a naiv dream but could be done within a timeframe of 30 years, which is short compared to the one million of years. And these energy go without bad conscious and are unlimitied. The concepts, the techniques, the money are there. We need the political will.
Wouldn't it have felt better when instead of a nuclear power plant the tsunami would have brought down 500 wind power plants?