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Old 06-05-2008, 10:28 PM   #8 (permalink)
Bicycle Junky
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Putsaround - '96 Toyota Camry LE
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The Commuter - '07 Trek 1000SL
90 day: 617.28 mpg (US)

Zippy - '91 Honda Civic DX
90 day: 33.29 mpg (US)
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Another thing to consider, you won't be able to trust your speedo anymore for an accurate judgement on how fast you're traveling because smaller/larger tires means that your axil will spin faster/slower for a given velocity and will throw off the speedo by sometimes as much as 10mph or more. Happened to my friend, he had a Land Rover Defender 90 (sweet offroad vehicle I must say) and he put some larger mud tires on it and when he drove it, he drove past one of those real time speed signs and noticed it was about 12mph off what his speedo was reading, so from then on he had to adjust accordingly. Just know by how much you need to compensate on the speedo reading so you don't go getting yourself in trouble with the law is all I'm saying.
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