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Old 08-02-2012, 06:15 PM   #11 (permalink)
Allch Chcar
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Originally Posted by Diesel Rules View Post
Thanks for the info guys!
I've heard alot about ethanol E20 and up damaging fuels systems too. Alot of gas stations in Michigan are allowed up to 20% before even posting it! I've had alot of luck with mobil gas, my wife gets around 25-28 city in her taurus 12 valve but using the discounted kroger gas up to $1.00 off she drops down to 19-22 it depresses me.
Most of the major problems I've heard have been boat related, eg people putting automotive gas in boat fuel tanks. But for automotive, I've heard of the occasional failed fuel pump, Neryls replaced the fuel pumps in his fleet, and up to 10% less MPG.

If it's factory approved for E10, odds are it'll be fine on E20.There isn't a huge difference in the composition once Ethanol is in the mixture. MPG will go down from less energy density, another -3% from E10, YMMV.

I heard about your state doing that but I thought they shelved the idea. Hmm. I wish Kentucky was more proactive about the blender pumps, myself. On the otherhand this year's drought means we'll be paying the same price per gallon for Ethanol as Gasoline, which is really my personal limit.

-Allch Chcar

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