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Old 08-03-2012, 01:13 AM   #1 (permalink)
eco....something or other
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Colfax, WI
Posts: 724

wood hauler - '91 Ford F-250
Team Pontiac
90 day: 26.69 mpg (US)

Rav - '06 Toyota Rav4 Base
90 day: 26.52 mpg (US)
Thanks: 39
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300-6 new o2 sensor results

I spent most of the day replacing the o2 sensor in my truck. The exhaust was real stinky and it didn't run so good. The mileage has kept dropping and I decided to try a new o2 sensor. WOW! I have not driven it yet, but it idles better and revs better too. NO more stinky exhaust. Wonderful!

I will try to get some new mpg numbers, and I am expecting them to be pretty good. I had the mpg above 30 for a while after I got it, but they have been dropping for a while and are now below 20 all the time.

It took a ton of torque to get the old sensor to break loose and then the threads were fused together and it stripped out. I managed to pry it out and chase what threads were left, but it took a few hours running the chaser in/out a thousand times because no place had a tap big enough. The threads ended up being a little off, but still usable.

I started the truck and it was smooth! The engine used to shudder and shake but now I think I could balance a nickel on it. I will try it tomorrow.

If anyone is having trouble finding the cause of a rough running 300-6, try a new o2 sensor. I was not expecting these results. I was really thinking I was going to waste $40 on nothing.

The old sensor only had a little stub sticking out of it and that was half burned


1991 F-250:
4.9L, Mazda 5 speed, 4.10 10.25" rear
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