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Old 12-27-2007, 07:13 PM   #5 (permalink)
Coyote X
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Metro XFi - '93 Geo Metro XFi Convertible
90 day: 62.17 mpg (US)

DR650SE - '07 Suzuki DR650SE
90 day: 55.26 mpg (US)
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Just when I start putting a plan together everything changes.....

This just got added to my collection for $150 and it actually runs. It is a 3 cyl auto with a pretty solid body, almost no rust at all on it. It was near a house fire so the paint was blistered all down one side is its only real problem. I could paint it and drive it as is if I wanted.

Now the plan so far is tube chassis the vert and lighten it as much as possible and stick my xfi drivetrain in it. I have no idea what the aerodynamics of a convertible are compared to a hatchback car but it will probably be a lighter car when it is done since it wont have any metal or glass on the top. I guess I need to go digging around for some numbers on it now.
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