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Old 08-03-2012, 04:46 PM   #102 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
Right back at you with that. Since this has popped up again, I'll point out - a year or so after the first time - that no one has died from the effects of radiation at Fukushima. The "studies" predicting X number of future deaths all use the unproven (many would say discredited) linear no-threshold model of radiation effects.

As for the claim that parts of the Ukraine may never be habitable due to Chernobyl, note that the so-called Dead Zone is now a nature reserve, and by many accounts one of the environmentally-healthiest places in Europe.
Radiation is an odd beast we still do not fully understand, in Iran there is one VERY radiative section where the people live a very long time. There have been arguements that high natural background does not destroy the body as manmade violent bursts of radiation seem to.

This means (if true) that once an area is irradiated or if it is irradiated gradually, that a human can survive there if there are not peaks, surges and specific types of radiative gases and materials present.

Thorium would be an excellent substitute and the book Super Fuel describes it in a neutral less hyped up fashion while still showing its major advantages of normal nuclear systems.
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