Originally Posted by cbaker
OK, I got the ammeter and shunt installed. I've been driving too aggressively! If I need to stay below 100 amps I'm going to have to change my ways.
This is a 5 speed tranny. I finally found reverse. Second seems shorter than the original and third seems longer. When I took a few hills the way I've been doing it at WOT in fourth, the meter shot to 150 immediately. Back off to halfway and it came down to 100. I was still able to maintain 29mph. Thanks for all the help on this. I'm lucky I haven't “zorched” something already.
I have the gear ratios and final drive for the stock 4sp that should be in the miles, might have to compare to the daihatsu 5sp, maybe they geared a little lower because of the 5 gears?
In any event at 150amps I don't think you will zorch a big motor, my little one can tolerate that for a some time before it would overheat, in your case 150amps + acceleration events likely gets you to the 1 hour rating which means you can drive the way you were doing for about an hour non stop, if you coast, sit around or drive below that amount for a period of time the motor will have a chance to cool somewhat.