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Old 08-06-2012, 06:27 PM   #1 (permalink)
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RV rooftop air deflector (DIY: Toyota Highlander pulling 4Runner/Apex travel trailer)

Just a quicky.
Gilkison phoned last night from Trinidad,Colorado to say that the Toyota Highlander rear hatch which I modified into a rooftop air deflector for his 4RUNNER/APEX travel trailer rig is recording the highest mpgs he's seen so far.
They'll go on to Denver and then home after a family visit,then we'll have about 1,200 miles of round-trip data to digest.
So far so good!
I took a defunct hatch,cut away as much steel as I could without sacrificing strength,then pop-riveted aluminum skin where the glass used to be.It's mounted by aviation grade piano hinge to a transverse 4-foot Harbor Freight level at the front and the rear support struts anchor to a bifurcated 6-foot Harbor Freight level attached in cantilever to another 4-foot transverse level which acts as the rear cross piece.
The deflector is set at the same inclination as the 4RUNNER windshield.As the dual-windshield P-61 Black Widow.

EDIT by admin - added images...

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