Driving the old Volvo 245 (240 combi)
I bought the car in the north of Sweden where winters are very cold and no stain touches the body of the car. The car is from 1983 and in excellent condition. Back in The Netherlands I already changed some things; metallic paint, new shocks, adjusted the camber in front wheels for much better steering, etc. The car runs 1:9 km 11,0 L/100km. 21,4 mpg. In the Netherlands 1 gallon costs aprox 5,3 dollars....
Now I started the 'save fuel' project.
- I checked bearings, etc they seem to be better than can be expected.
- I changed my driving style to coasting in neutral, slower driving, and much more anticipating (my motorcycle driving experience helps a lot).
- Tire pressure from 2,2 bar (31 psi) up to 2,8 bar (40 psi)
- the Volvo has rubber dirt flares (sorry for my English) behind the front wheels, I took them off.
Now I am averaging 1:10.5 ! Thats 24,8 MPG.
So whats next?
- The open front grill of the Volvo is huge, I will close it with an aluminium plate for 90%. It will cause the engine to heat up better, and will improve aerodynamics a bit
- I will streamline the "rain drains??" in the A-pilar. It will improve aerodynamics, and reduce wind noise a bit (not that it is too noisy)
- I will make an (2 mm thick aluminum) underplate for the whole underside. I also drive an 2011 Prius.
- I will make an wind shield just in front of the of all wheels, like many new cars have
- I probably make a kamm-back like spoiler for the rear, but i do not want to adjust the original looks of the car to much.
- Important: I want to put an new digital injected LPG system in the car.
(Vapour Sequential Injection) It turns the the engine from a carb into an high tech fuel injected engine.
LPG costs only 40% of gasoline. Also it is much cleaner, more eco friendly.
Goal : 1: 14 (34 MPG) (Lpg as fuel is cheap, but fuel efficiency is slightly increased). So from 21 MPG to 34 MPG.