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Old 08-09-2012, 11:00 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mcrews View Post
imho, it is asthetics and consumer use(rather improper use) that keep them from happening. The cost advantage of doing them does not outweigh the consumer issues that would ensure.
Exactly--when people buy cars, I would bet most of them make an emotional rather than rational decision. How it looks, how it feels to drive, how it makes them feel to be seen in it. They might factor in some useless performance criterion ("Hey, this one does zero to 60 in 6.7 seconds! That's .2 second faster than that other sedan we test drove this morning--clearly it's superior!"), but that's not the deciding factor. It will be interesting to see how the VW XL1 does if it makes it to the mass market here, as it will be the only car currently with any sort of wheel skirt (that I know of).
UIUC Aerospace Engineering
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