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Old 08-09-2012, 06:49 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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5th Wheel Aero Tail with E-motor

So, I'm surprised I'm having such a hard time finding this, someone has to have tried this. I am familiar with a lot of 5th wheel projects but has anyone built one into an aero tail? A retrofit that wouldn't require messing with the existing drivetrain.

Are there any inherent bad reasons for having a fixed (vs trailered) driven 5th wheel?

I have an Insight and have been looking at the tail project on here. But, I've also been trying to figure out the best way to add a plugin EV drivetrain to the car. There are a number of solutions, but most involve significant modding of the actual car body and/or mechanics.

In fact, I was thinking it would be cool to have a bolt on belly pan with aluminum rail frame that goes back to become an aero tail with a 5th wheel driven by a e-motor. Depending on space constraints, I could fit some batteries in either the hatch back stowaway compartment or in the tail itself, or both.

On the surface, seems a doable idea. Clearly ambitious though, and I'm hoping that some of you folks can poke some holes in this idea before I try to get started.

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