If car manufacturers made something to the "best" of the specific cars abilities, then they have nothing to sell... They make a product based on the needs and style of today/and the near future, where car trends and manufacturers "think" the road is going to lead too. We as a consumer in our entirety Really determine where the market goes...
They Price what we pay based on what were Willing to pay For.
They make profit over the smallest things that "add" to the overall efficiency, or convenience of there Base Product creating the illusion that efficiency is an ongoing developement. (where we know it exist for YEARS, and is fairly easy to empliment) In a country where the ideaology is (go big or go home), nobody wants just an (effiecient car) to handle everyday needs, they Want the "Wants" and have to, have everything. We dont need some things, but in those (once in a life-time situations) we like to have the capability(cause its Cool) and the manufacturers can create that in no time instead...