Why don't manufacturers make boattails?
This question could just as easily be stated, "Why don't manufacturers make ____ ?" And you fill in the blank.
Manufacturers state that it costs them millions to bring a new vehicle to market. And no matter how many methods they have to make vehicles more fuel efficient, lighter, lower cost, or whatever you particular desire might be -- the bottom line is that car manufacturers are in business to sell the most vehicles and to make as much money as possible.
So they are typically very conservative, adverse to risk, and inclined to only make cars that would hopefully have mainstream appeal and generate massive profits.
Otherwise manufacturers would be making the Aptera, or a VW 1-Liter type car, or perhaps a clone of one of the winners of the Progressive Automotive X-Prize competition of recent years.
For the most part, for all of us ecomodders, we should NOT look to auto manufacturers to make anything of any signifigance relevant to our interests in our lifetime.