Buying is emotional, not rational. We are a nation of consumers, not citizens mindful of their own best interests. Imagine a nation of 12-yr olds and you have Amurrica.
As DD points out, the financial loss in buying brand new makes little sense -- on average -- for nearly everyone. The exceptions might be those for whom vehicles are a deductible business expense. The rest make little attempt to really match vehicles to need.
One can clear the air in asking how many vehicles another has owned in the past twenty years. More than two is the giveaway that emotions are in charge, as any decent vehicle, decently maintained, will last 15-years. Throw in some overlapping years for buying used, etc, and the figure of about 2 per 20 holds true.
Economy is not just the ownership/operating cost per mile, but represents the loss of money that could have been in some way invested otherwise. The transportation cost per decade (public or private) is what is at stake and includes homes bought, etc., as all have "costs" built into them which are directly & indirectly related.