Okay! Greased em up but I have yet to drive it..
I got some better photos for you all!!
So I finished putting my sound deadener in last night! I still have the headboard and doors to do though.
Here is my carpet!
I started painting my interior.. I found a SEM paint that matches almost perfectly called Shadow Blue. Here is the before photo.
Drum Roll Please.
My minty newly painted rear side panel
I think it looks PUUURTY.
Here is a window piece installed.
Now that the exciting stuff is out of the way, here are some photos of my other dealios..
The seat - Looks like crap. DX top and Prelude bottom cause I couldnt get the stupid seat recliner deal cut right..
Here's my muffler
And my traction bar.
And the shocks that come with it.. Anyone know of these?