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Old 08-16-2012, 02:24 AM   #23 (permalink)
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A good friend of mine works in Alaska in the oil fields and he's worried because the amount of oil that they are able to pull out of the ground is dropping off and the quality of it is dropping off, because of this it's getting more expensive to pull out of the ground and the equipment to transport it is wearing out faster because it has more impurities in it and that is exactly what we were warned about as far as Peek Oil, that we are not going to run out but that the high quality easy to get to oil is going to be gone and we are going to be left with thick dirty sludge that is expensive to refine, we can get oil out of tar sand if you boil it first, we can even pipe that tar sand oil to texas to refine it, but it's going to have a lot of grit in it that will wear out the pipe and cause spills like happened here in Wisconsin a few weeks ago when non of the news organizations would cover the story.
We got the easy stuff out of the ground, we've hit the peek, now we have to start working harder to get the left overs out and that will last a while but is part of the reasons I'm happy that I don't have kids because they would be screwed! I get to use up this resource and feel ok about it.
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