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Old 08-16-2012, 06:52 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by euromodder View Post
Heat pump running off solar panels .
Not cheap, but just about as clean as it gets.
You can build solar hot air panels for $50 or less and they work very well.

My father did one in the late 1970s, it worked for 25 years and cost about $75 including a small fan. It definitely got the house warm in the winter during the day.

Solar heat is the most underutilized form of alternative energy, sadly a bunch of commercial jackasses have jacked up the prices of insulated boxes with windows in them to ridiculous levels. (actually cost more than PV for gods sake)

So if you want to do it right you are pretty much on your own, much like solar electricity.

KISS principle is always the best.

Also in terms of fracking i would argue that the refinement of petroleum is likely more polluting on a grand scale, there are thousands of cases a year of refineries releasing this or that or leaking, it seems they never aren't leaking something. CNG on the other hand requires no refining, produces no real exotics and in general produces much less pollution through its cycle cradle to grave, its not perfect but nothing is.

Hopefully the people of the US wake up and stop the complete raping of the land to get every little insignificant bit of burnables, our country is in the same position as African nations were before they became extremely poor, AKA we are resorting to selling off resources not produced goods, that is the lowest form of economy and usually results in a massive loss of wealth.

If we could learn to do things more slowly and more efficiently (aka the car goes by by 6 days a week like our great grandparents did) we might actually make it without having to destroy everything. The constant need to move around as quickly as possible is what is killing us. Changing our lifestyle could then translate into fracking, refining and industry so we don't need to do things quick and dirty.


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