Originally Posted by Daox
Welcome to the site. Care to share with us your average commute or your old mileage before visiting?
Thanks for the warm welcome folks. My usual commute these days is just over 6 miles, round trip (I know, I ought to ride a bike...) I moved a little over a year ago to be closer to work, the previous commute was ~50 miles round trip, 3/4 right through the suburbs. While I'm substantially closer these days, the route is so short that the car never has a chance to properly warm up.
As far as mileage goes, I never kept hard records in the past. The best mileage I've gotten in the past is 42mpg on long trips that kept me on the highway 100% of the time between fill-ups. Worst mileage is ~25mpg, driving my car like I stole it. In a given period of time driving to work and around town without care as to mpg, I might have averaged ~30mpg.
In all fairness, I don't know how accurate the last fuel log entry is- the sample is of a small fuel volume and distance traveled. I'm looking forward to keeping the log updated in the future- the law of averages ought to give me a better overall picture. I think the biggest factor in this last weeks numbers was the use of "kill & coast," for lack of a better term for it- turning off the engine on grades and restarting in neutral near the bottom. I also killed the engine at any intersection where I could see the opposing traffic light and anticipate the green.
I love the idea of coasting with the engine off, its like getting bonus mileage... but I do have some reservations about the safety of said procedure. It takes 3-4 seconds to restart the engine and add momentum should I need to get the heck out of the way of something. Thoughts on this last point?
I'm planning to take a 200+ mile (one way) roadtrip over the weekend. I'm eager to see what I can achieve. Not to mention the added bonus that gas is ~0.30/gal cheaper in SC than NC.