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Old 06-06-2008, 07:50 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Location: Gainesville, FL
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Harpo's Honda - '05 Honda Civic VP
90 day: 42.64 mpg (US)
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My Civic says keep flat towing <35mph.

While I've done my share of EOC now, I can say I find that driving primarily with DFCO (Deceleration Fuel Cutoff) has biggest returns for me. Then if I'm going to stop for over 30 seconds, I'll kill the engine in the final deceleration <30mph if it'll be a stop. Keeping it OFF at the few long lights I encounter (3, 3 and 5 minutes respectively) have big effect on daily averages.

The weeks I experimented with EOC exclusively, only got me moddest gains, and I was more efficient sticking with DFCO ops. There are glide differences between DFCO and EOC, but if you feather the throttle with DFCO you can get in and out of DFCO if your short of your target roll distance with minimal FF.

My last three tanks have me at 45.5mpg with just DFCO operation and EOff at long lights. I have my route well planned which is key for DFCO.
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