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Old 08-21-2012, 06:24 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Location: Jackson, Tennessee
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Any advice on battery maintenance? I checked numbers today and from front to back it was
the voltmeter said 77.3, so it's off a volt, and was when I added up the old battery numbers.
Should I try and run the batteries down low before I charge, or does it matter?
Should I let the vehicle rest after my drive home before charging or just plug it in as soon as I get out?
Should I let it rest for a while after charging before I drive?
The numbers were higher when the batteries were brand new, like 13.23 or so. It could just be they are stabilizing. Or I damaged them somehow.
Sometimes my daily ride will only be 25 miles or so, and when I get home the voltmeter will be around 70v. I'm sure after they rest from the drive they come back up to at least 72 or so. I was wondering if since they are not drained, it might affect the length the charger runs.
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