Originally Posted by Fat Charlie
The reason we developed agriculture wasn't to free up enslavers, but that was one of the earliest results. By allowing people to produce a surplus of food, spending your time taking food from others suddenly became workable as a career path- and you had time to build a system of control instead of just looking for food.
????A surplus of food was only done to be able to take food from others????
I don't agree... that doesn't make much sense to me.
Once you have the surplus ... you no longer have any need to take the food from others ... the surplus itself massively reduces the motivation to want that other food ... much less spend a bunch of time and effort to go try and take what you don't need.
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Originally Posted by jamesqf
So it's conserving time in the same sense that hooking your car to the back of a semi conserves gas.
Yes ... point of view always matters ... and many people care mainly about their own point of view... they want to conserve their gas ... their time.
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The bellow is my effort to summarize without eating the much larger amount of space needed to reply to every individual thing you posted that I might have otherwise replied to.
If you would rather continue a more in depth ... back and forth ... point by point ... I suggest a new thread is started , and this side conversation gets moved there... it has grown significantly off topic here.
- It seems to me that there is a significant difference in our point of views on Agriculture ... to the point of you even seemingly questioning weather it was any savings in time at all over hunting and gathering before it ... I don't share this view of Agriculture being a time eating waste for our ancestors thousands of years ago.
- It seems to me that there is a significant difference in our point of views on how 'needed' the enslavement and forced labor of people is ... Weather it is even possible to advance without it or not ... you seem to suggest that there was no possible way to achieve advancement without the enslavement and forced labor ... I don't agree with that 'need' for it concept... and I don't see sufficient evidence to prove that 'need' ... and I don't see enough evidence to disprove ever possible way of advancing without a enslavement and forced labor period of time.
- It seems to me we disagree on weather anyone would even want to farm willingly ... You seem to suggest no one would , force was needed ... I disagree , I even know people who enjoy farming , even using less technology than they had in Ancient Rome.