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Old 06-07-2008, 01:18 AM   #41 (permalink)
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Michael's Electric Beetle - '71 Volkswagen Superbeetle 500000
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Excuse me, but I believe I ordered the Large Lovejoy...

Well, I ordered 2 lovejoys, one for practice (since they were only like $5 each, and I have 3 clutch hub spline things for a VW bug). The L110-Long came today. It is a bit LARGE though! I might have an inch chopped off of it if its really cheap to do so. The picture has the hub spline sitting on the top (not welded yet) and the spider insert. It fits soo nice! Really snug.

I got the motor back together (praise the Lord! Amen Sister!). I had to drill out some holes a little bigger and use different bolts. It looks like the motor had been through some previous incomplete maintenance. Several bolts inside it were missing (3 out of 4 of them), and the holes where the missing bolts should have been were really rusted shut, so I had to drill out 3 new holes. It's good now though.

I'm also working on the test bench for the 48v controller. I won't be coming very close to it's 300 amp limit though. That's what the picture of all the LED's is a part of. It's 24 LED's, and about 2 volts per LED makes them nice and bright. They are the "load" such as it is. I doubt the current limiting features of the controller will be used. haha. Once its all set up (not too much stuff to do) I will "drive the car". I.E. make the LED's get bright and dim. I hope I don't get a ticket.

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