excellent to combine these threads
in the prior thread a response to my remark about returning the batter was *sell their integrity and character * . returning a failed batt surely is not that.. unless the tech stamped a big VOID on the warranty i doubt the vendor warranty is voided , i should not expect a point of sale person to be able to void a vendor Warrant. in consideration of you application you might get full compensation or a prorate.. take it back when that dick is not on duty
.. put the cheap starting batter in the battery box. procure an isolator , and a deep cycle batter, put the deep cycle in the boot[trunk] cable it to the illumination, accessory, and ignition circuits , use the starting battery to fire it off and the deep cycle to run,
be aware that the cost of secondary deep cycle , the isolator and the cabling will negate tenfold any monetary savings in FE.. .. but to many its not about monetary savings , its about bragging rights in *apparent * efficiency, and the pride of design and innovation