The first two mods might turn out to be both the most efficient and the cheapest. To no surprise they are (roll drums):
1. Adjusted nut behind the wheel
2. Pumped up tires
The third one is the Carefully Crafted 'Cento Cardboard Kamm-back with added Magical-Anti-Coanda-Strips, aka CCCCK+MACS. I've just finished it a few hours ago
All the pieces of carboard were carefully waterproofed* with power tape so that they would survive unfavourable conditions.
The Kamm-back's angle vs the roof is exactly umpteen degrees, providing optimal attached flow
(note to self: compare it to the template some time!).
The MACS look to be angled quite a bit towards the center of the car and I'm almost sure no attached flow will be present there. Oh well.
Tuft testing was planned for today, but the weather turned bad and due to constant rain I'm not sticking my nose out of home.
The fourth "mod" was repairing a piece of plastic wheel-well cover that somehow broke and twisted, sticking out right into the air flow. In the finest fashion, this was alleviated with quite a lot of duct tape
* - the waterproofing might have turned out to be less careful than I'd like to think, as after the rain the Kamm-back is somewhat soft/mushy. I may need to reinforce it with something truly waterproof... or scrap it (pun intended).