1993 Del Sol Si vx d15z1 swap 5000$
howdy all, i have for sale a del sol si that has a d15z1 complete swap with tranny ecu everything.
Here is link
I did not make a build thread i swapped everything over in one day lol
But! Feel free to ask any questions if you are intetested in doing such a swap
im asking 4000$ obo from the gas saving community seeing as how you all will probably take pride in such a vehicle, i personally have averaged 37mpg prior to replacing my 5 wire and now i get 47mpg with minor hypermiling
i have replaced everything when i rebuilt the motor and used honda oem timing belt head gasket and water pump all other seals are new too the motor and car are spotless and i am the cars second owner and its is in super great shape, pics do it some justice but she needs a wax to shine like new
my number is 253-777-2607 David Text/call for pics / link to the clist ad
Last edited by 6411616; 09-08-2012 at 05:26 PM..
Reason: More info