Another Setback
I put some of the bolts that I purchased today into the parts that require them:
- the front U joint on the transfer case was missing 4 bolts, fine thread, 1 inch long
- the transfer case was missing 5 bolts 3/8 standard thread, to connect the transfer case to the transmission (not sure how two of them get tightened ...) so they are in place in the transfer case so I don't lose them (again)
- the 2 bolts to connect the motor mounts to their brackets, 7/16 by 4 inch, are now in the mounts with washers, lock washers and nuts in place
- I got the bolts on to the hanger bearing for the rear drive shaft (not tightened, but a few threads to keep it from falling off)
I was removing the 'T' bar that had been mounted in the U joint on the rear differential - and I broke one of the bolts with the rest of the bolt still inside. 1 inch long bolt, about half an inch threaded in, and it is broken. It may be possible to drill it out, or to use a screw extractor to remove it ... but the rear differential is not moving ANYTHING until that broken bolt is removed ... SIGH ..
The last of the parts that need to be on the truck are on, and there is a growing pile of parts NOT on the truck - hood, transfer case, front drive shaft, truck box.
I broke the news to my wife - SalvageS10 will not be moving under electric power by the end of August, my self-imposed deadline. I was a bit pessimistic and that likely triggered my wife's next request - to park that 'pile of parts', SalvageS10, 'in the meadow' - out of site of us and our neighbors. It also makes it less accessible for working on it.
Perhaps there is some way to keep SalvageS10 as an active project and out of 'the meadow'. For now at least, I'm willing to concede the possibility.
Off to the yard work, as promised. Perhaps inspiration will strike?