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Old 08-28-2012, 01:48 AM   #9 (permalink)
Hydrogen > EV
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Originally Posted by TooMuchGlass View Post
Sorry, that was a bit confusing. What I was trying to communicate is that my understanding is one ought not get an EX as it doesn't have lean burn. In other words, lean burn is extremely valuable.

As for the old/new discussion, I think you're right. But from what little experience I have I have learned there is much value in fixing your own car, and I'd like to do it as much as is possible (although the romantic idea of self-sufficiency hardly kept me going when I was laying in snow replacing the starter on my Jeep. I just knew it needed to be done and didn't want to pay someone else.)

Concerning a dollar amount, I think 3000 would be the highest I'd go, unless I stumbled upon an unbelievable deal, then I think I'd go up to 4000.

I'm trying to get from A to B not for less but by using less. The sport of hypermiling is what most attracts me. I want to get as far as I can on as little as I can. I hope that answered your question.

Thanks for the post!
Seeing EX35, I would suggest a new CRZ. Or one model year old, but standard. But for under 4, no way. That is a great list, and if you are willing to learn, you might be able to find two of the same car and just use one for pieces, but I am not sure how well priced that list can be.

Can two metros be under 4? A diesel VW for under 4 would make me nervous. Paying for parts and labor could add up quick. No matter what you choose, if you find something you like, you can mod it and the nut behind the wheel to almost any goal.

I have to say, my favorite production car for fun/sportiness/mileage of the past few years to current is hands down the CRZ. But way past 4k.

Best Tanks:
Mustang - 54.83 mpg (US) at the Green Grand Prix
Insight - 82.91966 mpg (US) over 818.5 miles.
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